WP 1: Project management


January 2012 –
September 2015

Lead Partner:

Zeppelin University


Lead Researcher:

Peer Ederer

Researchers involved:

ZU support


This Work Package focuses on both scientific and executive management of the project / research consortium.

The research consortium includes nine universities and research institutes from the four academic disciplines - macro-econometrics, innovation dynamics, educational systems, and psychometrics - to establish empirically proven answers.


The main objectives are:

  • To provide organization and management of consortium activities.
  • To coordinate the scientific and technological efforts of the various partners.
  • To organize all workshops and meetings, including mid-term and final review.
  • To coordinate effective dissemination of project results - including the project website.


All outputs of the project (models, reports and tools) are designed to guide, support and facilitate good practice and strategy among public policy officials, enterprise strategists, individual citizens and fellow scientists.

Interim results

Activities related to this Work Package are ongoing and will support members till the conclusion of the project.