Adriana holds a M.Sc. in Chemistry from Comenius University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, a Master of Mechanical Engineering from the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, a PhD related to Measurement Science and a Dr. at the Viennese University of Technology, Austria. Since 2011, Adriana is a Docent, i.e. an Associate Professor.
She participated in the international project within the Tempus framework “Education and Training in Accreditation and Certification“. She was quality responsible at the Institute for Production Engineering and Laser Technology, Vienna University of Technology, Austria. At the Certification Center she became involved with the scheme of auditors’ education and training of external quality managers.
During 2003-2006, Adriana was a guest researcher at the Statistical-Engineering Division of the National Institute for Standards and Technology, Department of Commerce USA. For her internationalization and scientific efforts Adriana was honored by HE the President of Slovak Republic Ivan Gašparovič with the award Young Scientist of the Year 2004.
Adriana worked at the Slovak legal metrology office, the Statistical office of Slovak Republic and currently at the University of Economics in Bratislava. She lectures the courses Design of Experiment and Evaluation, Statistical Quality Assurance and Statistics. Adriana is the research responsible in the bilateral project Statistical Analysis in Support of Technology and Data Mining in Measurement.
Adriana is also the office director of the Consumer Institute (NGO - accredited in consumer education), heads the Publishing Board and steps in as international project manager. Adriana is a member of several scientific organizations, the most important being the Innovation Association CR, and in 2010 she received the Plaque for expert contribution to the cooperation between ČSVTS a ZSVTS.